Accomplished Offshore Engineer and Project Manager with broad and international experience in Construction, Life of Field and Marine Operations for the Energy Production and Marine Industries. Dedicated to Efficient Project Delivery, Continuous Improvement and Sustainable Development.
Roles: Senior Project Manager, Package Manager, Delivery Manager and Tender Lead.
Organisation: Global Project Centre in London. (Expatriation assignment to Brazil since 21).
Type of projects: Large EPCI projects, Alliance project SURF + SPS, Integrated FEED + EPCI, design competition, pre-tender and concept definition.
Projects and clients: Mero3 (Petrobras, Brazil), Bacalhau (Equinor, Brazil), WND Giza, Fayoum & Raven, and WND Taurus & Libra (BP, Egypt), Maadi Hub Development Pre-tender (BP, Egypt), TOTAL Lapa SW FEED, design competition and tender (Total, Brazil) NFPS Pipeline tender (Qatar Gas, Qatar) and BP WND GFR Variation Order for extra wells (BP, Egypt).
Work packages: Major fabrication, offshore installation, transportation and production of flexibles flowlines, rigid jumpers, and control umbilicals. Shore pulling and landfall. FPSO mooring. Heavy lift and transportation. Coordination of sustainability projects
Contract values: 500m to over 1B USD
Supplier budgets: 40m to 200m USD
Water depth: Shore to 2.200 mts.
Man-hours: Over 5m
Roles: Technical Manager, Engineering and Construction Manager. Project and Installation Engineering Discipline Manager for London. Technology Research Lead. Technical support for tenders.
Organisation: Africa and Gulf of Mexico (AFGOM) – London office.
Department responsibilities: Resource management and organisational management for project and installation engineers. Training and development, including performance management. Tendering and specialised support.
Type of projects: Large EPCI projects, Transport, and Installation. Strategic research.
Work packages: Design and installation engineering project responsibilities, including manpower and approval of engineering content.
Projects and Clients: WND Taurus & Libra Concept Definition (BP, Egypt), PSVM Block-31 Seven Pacific Campaign and Greater Plutonio Phase III Block 18 (BP, Angola), Internal engineering projects (engineering department).
Contract values: Up to 500m USD
Manpower: Direct team of +50 engineers
Roles: Project Engineer, Methods Engineer, Lead Engineer, or Vessel Support Team Engineer. Offshore project engineer on-shift.
Organisation: Subsea7 UK engineering – Sutton office (London).
Work packages: Pipeline initiation, pre-commissioning of pipelines, rigid jumpers, piles, manifold installation, diving, vessel mobilisation, flexlay, connections for control systems, flexible flowlines production and installation, FATs, SITs.
Project and clients: PSVM Block-31 T&I (BP, Angola), BC-10 Subsea Development EPCI (Shell, Brazil), Okwori Phase III and IV T&I (Addax, Nigeria), K5F & L4PN EPCI (Total) and Kelvin EPCI (CoP), both in the North Sea.
Roles: Operations Coordinator, Project Manager, Lead Engineer, ROV Pilot and Supervisor, Special Operations Supervisor, ROV Tech and Pilot Instructor (ROV Phantom Systems), Inspection engineer (reporting).
Work packages and clients: Pipeline Inspection Work-Pack 2002 and 2003, UD-W Field (Shell), Daily inspection and maintenance operations of pipelines (PDVSA), Survey and positioning of PRISA (Schlumberger), diving and salvage (several clients). Class inspections (ABS UWILD) for MODU.
Diving inspection and salvage operations.
Dry dock maintenance and corrosion inspection intern.
Technical Assistant for Engineering Consultancy (Gas production).
Continuous monitoring of equipment and piping intern at a Chemical Plant.
Strategic planning: Convergence plan, recovery planning, road mapping, interfacing maps and operational readiness Business improvements
undefinedFellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering Science and Technology (IMarEST) Since 2018.
Chartered Engineer (UK Engineering Council) Since 2008.
Member of the Society for Underwater Technology (SUT).
Presenter at OMAE 2019 - The Use of Ensemble Forecast in Defining Offshore Installation Operability: A Case Study on Umbilical Shore Float-In Operations. Paper lead author.
Presenter at EGYPS 2018 - Re-inventing the Client / Contractor Ways of Working. Paper presented between Subsea 7 and BP.
Patent - Methodology for installation of composite material spools (UK Patent Application GB 2523835 A).
Programmes: Project Management, Engineering Management and Leadership (S7/Cranfield University),
Assessment & Management of Large Marine Ecosystems (Cape Town University / NOAA / UNDP-GEF).
Integral Management, Contract Law, Anti-Bribery and Integrity, Safety Leadership, Interviewing, development and evaluation of personnel, (S7).
Strategic roadmapping (IfM Cambridge University).
Offshore work and safety: OPITO approved BOSIET and FOET
PTW, H2S, lifting ops, WAH and noise pollution,
Qualified as ROV Class II Pilot & Supervisor and Surface Supplied Air Diver (ADC Int 04-08)
TapRooT investigation and Root Cause Analysis.